Strava Segment Stories: Grand Col Ferret (UTMB® Mont-Blanc)

Segments tell the stories of the communities who built them. Some carry the indelible memories of the elite pros, others the tales of wide-eyed amateurs – moments that later fade into myth, into legend. The Grand Col Ferret is one of those. It’s housed the greatest trail running battles in the history of the UTMB®, the largest and most demanding trail race in the world. It spans three countries – France, Italy and Switzerland – and curves around Mont Blanc. That’s where it leaves a mark. Your body and mind are imprinted by the view of the southern slopes of the Mont Blanc massif, and you’re propelled to the highest point of the race (2,537m/8,323ft). The runners then trek into Switzerland and the Canton of Valais to embark the second part of their adventure – but it’s far from over. “It's steep. It wakes you up. It’s windy. It’s le Grand Col Ferret. It's always a great time.” Youssoupha n'Diaye Strava Segment Grand Col Ferret: Everything about Strava & UTMB® Mont-Blanc: -- Thank you Youssoupha N'diaye Sébastien Chaigneau Marcella Biondi Natalia Mastrota Carrie Craig Sofia Parisi Jim Walmsley Stephanie Howe & UTMB® Mont-Blanc -- Grand Col Ferret A film by Alexis Berg Drone operator Julien Raison Additional Operator Justin Galant Archive images provided by UTMB® Mont-Blanc Editing First Frame Calibration First Frame Music Audionetwork
Published: 2021-08-06 Chanel: Strava